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 Why we love what we do

Founded by two guys that love the tacticool life, as much as they do beer. We don't believe in body shaming, because we believe that all bodies are tactical. So we want to raise awareness and support for all BeerGuts, no matter how small or large.....or XXXXL. We design, print, press and sell our very own custom apparel for those who like to throw some lead down range, and some cold ones on Saturday. From petite to thicc, we got your six. 


BeerGut Tactical all started as a small thought and almost a joke. We worked together at a local retail store, as a small engine mechanic and a sporting goods manager. With very different backgrounds, history, beliefs and ideologies, some how we always seemed to connect and come to the same conclusions and thoughts. With being big supporters of military, law enforcement, 2nd Amendment, South Park, and so much more, it was just easy to connect and bring this idea to life. Working in retail, you tend to look at life differently and mostly think….”why the F$#@ am I here?!” After a lot of long stressful days, we would spend time just thinking of the grass on the other side. Didn’t often care if it was greener, at least it wasn’t this forsaken grass. After jokes of starting our own business, the topic of designing shirts and other clothes came around. One day Brock made a joke of a funny name, and Eddie had time to kill so made a few sketches of what that name might look like. Almost every day, we would joke about making it into a reality. Make it happen and see where it takes us. After several long days and pent up customer courtesy rage, it eventually came to us both. Decided, why not? So we took that joke, took that horrible sketch, and made our first design ever. After seeing it all come together, we knew we had something. Something that many people could relate to. Something so many people have, and love. A world full of people that believe the same way we do, and understand the struggles and support the same causes. Thus, we created a voice for people to see. Rather it be funny, patriotic, formal or simple, we had a way of supporting it and showing it. So began the life, of BeerGut Tactical.


Eddie  "Garbear" Garza


           For as long as I can remember, I have always loved designing and creating things with my own hands. Growing up I would paint and draw on everything I could, just to make it different and unique. Drawing my own cartoon characters. Taking sharpies to my hotwheels to give it a new paint job. Painting my old cassette player to customize it….yea..I’m old. All through my school years, art was a huge part of my life. Any chance I had to get my hands on something and turn something plain into something amazing, I did. Immediately after high school, I joined the United States Marine Corps. While stationed with 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion…YATYAS!.. I was lucky to be in a platoon with a great leader that I admired highly and had the same passion of art. That’s where I learned and fell in love with the art of tattooing. He taught me a lot about tattooing, and even spent time tattooing each other. I then spent most of my career being a good Marine and getting drunk and doing barracks tattoos whenever we weren’t running my fatass into the ground or drowning in diesel polluted lakes. After, I decided to finish my contract and come back home. I continued to draw, paint, tattoo and customize everything I can. Till this day, where I currently work as a small engine mechanic. So when I’m not working, trying to lift heavy shit at the gym, or with family, I’m in a small room still slinging ink, paper, and now...shirts! Never once did I think I’d be doing something like this. Yet, here we are, and I am still excited to see where this leads.

Brock  Gleba

Watching a lot of tacticool videos online, we would see all these “operators” with their technical overhand grips on their rifles and fancy transitions, were mostly sporting an athletic body type. After working at a gun store throughout the pandemic, I noticed a lot a guys (and gals) with beer guts, were buying and hoarding all the firearms and ammunition they could. I almost never saw a customer that didn’t have a big ol’ barrel under their shirt. And it hit me... these people needed a voice. I then explained my concern to Eddie and he agreed that we should do something. BeerGut Tactical was born! You no longer have to sit by while all the dudes with washboard abs take in all the glory of the tacticool lifestyle, because our specially designed threads will make an excellent cover for that natural body armor of yours!

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